Work, Old Boyfriends, and Blogging

September 9, 2008

I just posted a bunch of content to the Cindy, Working portion of my blog.  Sometimes, I go with the flow of writing and then post it all after I’m finished with the writing spurt.  Two posts briefly mention men I dated 15 years ago, Mike and Greg.  Mike was my first love.  He was my first boyfriend…and my first sexual partner.  I will undoubtedly refer to Mike in future posts because, for better or worse, that relationship had a big influence on me.  Also, we reconnected 13 years after breaking up.  More stories for another day.

Cindy’s Blog Trilogy:

Cindy, Dating: My rants and raves about current and past dating and relationship experiences.

Cindy, Working: Work-related stories I have accumulated over the last 20 years.  A lot of these jobs were really crappy, but the jobs do get better over time.

Cindy, Living: Anything and everything that I feel compelled to write about that doesn’t fit into the above two categories.  This is the catch-all portion of the blog trilogy.